Standing and Falling

Tweet Starting in January of 1999, I was completely single–not even a date–for about a decade. Happily so for most of that time. Many people don’t understand how this can be possible, but the fact is, I am comfortable and happy being single. I don’t seek out relationships or flings or, well, anything. I don’t… Continue reading Standing and Falling

Nothing More Than Feelings

Tweet A friend of mine recently posted a link to a webcomic I used to read regularly. Following that link did two things: 1) It made me realize just how long it’s been since I’ve checked in on the characters in that strip and 2) it reminded me just why I loved the comic so… Continue reading Nothing More Than Feelings

Fear as a Motivator and Inhibitor

This entry is part [part not set] of 5 in the series The Negative Self

Tweet Despite a large amount of disagreement in the psychological community, more often than not, fear is listed as one of the most basic human emotions. Regardless of high-level professional quibbling, there is little doubt we’ve all experienced it at one point or another. Most likely, you’re more familiar with fear than you want to… Continue reading Fear as a Motivator and Inhibitor

Facing Your Negative Self

This entry is part [part not set] of 5 in the series The Negative Self

Tweet We all have within us both positive and negative aspects. Hopes and fears, likes and dislikes, things we love about ourselves, things we hate about ourselves. It’s the friction between all of these opposing ideas that keeps our lives interesting, but also can make it very difficult at times. Some of the most difficult… Continue reading Facing Your Negative Self

Awkward Embaces: A Fun Little Web Series

Tweet Given the chance, I like to point readers here toward relationship-based entertainment when I can. The main criteria being it has to have a certain level of quality. There has to be heart to it–not just the same old crude and crass pot shots any old sitcom takes (and sitcoms have been taking the… Continue reading Awkward Embaces: A Fun Little Web Series

Crushing and Dating: Mutually Exclusive?

Tweet If you’re a dedicated crusher, does that mean you can’t date? If you’re dating (either one person or many), does that mean you shouldn’t be crushing? The answer to both of those questions is “No!” Just because you don’t need to be in a relationship–because you’re comfortable with yourself or because you’re actively going… Continue reading Crushing and Dating: Mutually Exclusive?