Five Clues That Your Decisions Are Based on Fear

This entry is part [part not set] of 5 in the series The Negative Self

Tweet Once you’re aware that certain types of fear are more likely to occur in relationship situations and you accept how insidious they can be. You can begin to watch for clues that your decisions are being based on fearful thinking (as opposed to clear thinking). Here are five things that are often signs of… Continue reading Five Clues That Your Decisions Are Based on Fear

Three Types of Fear

This entry is part [part not set] of 5 in the series The Negative Self

Tweet Sometimes, it’s easy to tell our decisions are fear-based. Our hearts are pounding, cold sweat on our brow, and we’re facing down something we know, without a doubt we’re afraid of. But fear is an insidious thing and shows up in many forms. At it’s most sneaky, it weasels its way into the nooks… Continue reading Three Types of Fear

Fear as a Motivator and Inhibitor

This entry is part [part not set] of 5 in the series The Negative Self

Tweet Despite a large amount of disagreement in the psychological community, more often than not, fear is listed as one of the most basic human emotions. Regardless of high-level professional quibbling, there is little doubt we’ve all experienced it at one point or another. Most likely, you’re more familiar with fear than you want to… Continue reading Fear as a Motivator and Inhibitor

Facing Your Negative Self

This entry is part [part not set] of 5 in the series The Negative Self

Tweet We all have within us both positive and negative aspects. Hopes and fears, likes and dislikes, things we love about ourselves, things we hate about ourselves. It’s the friction between all of these opposing ideas that keeps our lives interesting, but also can make it very difficult at times. Some of the most difficult… Continue reading Facing Your Negative Self

Never the Same Twice

Tweet For those who have loved and lost, as oh so many have, there’s often talk of “trying to find that feeling again” or being worried that “there won’t be anyone like him again”. Talk like that is, realistically speaking, useless. We are different every minute of the day–always changing based on internal and external… Continue reading Never the Same Twice