The Myth of The One (and the truth behind it)

This entry is part [part not set] of 3 in the series The One

Tweet We’re often told in fairy tales and pop culture that there is some One Great True Love out there for us to find. Some people spend their entire lives waiting for it to show up on their doorstep. Others burn through relationships like flash paper seeking that divine choir that will indicate their quest… Continue reading The Myth of The One (and the truth behind it)

Mindfulness and Responsibility: Two Keys to Personal Growth

Tweet Once you have a starting point, two practices will have to be cultivated in order to take active control of your personal growth. These attitudes have their roots in classical spiritual practices like Buddhism, but have long been used in more secular arenas for good reason: they work. One, Mindfulness, keeps you tuned in… Continue reading Mindfulness and Responsibility: Two Keys to Personal Growth

5 Tools to Pin Down Who You Are Now

Tweet No matter how well we think we know ourselves, there’s always more to learn. We are, after all, constantly growing and changing due to the experiences and thoughts we have. In this blog, I advocate using your crushes to learn about yourself. Before you can effectively do that, you need a solid starting point.… Continue reading 5 Tools to Pin Down Who You Are Now

What is a ‘Successful’ Crush?

Tweet One of the comments I got from last week’s tale of successfully crush revelation raised the question of what a successful crush entailed. The simple answer is this: A successful crush is one that helps you become a better person while causing as few new problems as possible. That’s it. Too often we confuse… Continue reading What is a ‘Successful’ Crush?

Failure and Success: Telling Someone About the Crush (Part II)

Tweet So I’ve talked about how to tell someone you have a crush on them and why you’d want to do that. I figure now it’s time I share a couple of stories from my own life. Just a little while ago, I told you about one that didn’t go so well. Now I’d like… Continue reading Failure and Success: Telling Someone About the Crush (Part II)

Failure and Success: Telling Someone About the Crush (Part I)

Tweet So I’ve talked about how to tell someone you have a crush on them and why you’d want to do that. I figure now it’s time I share a couple of stories from my own life. One when things went pretty darn wrong and another where they went considerably better. A Failure to Understand… Continue reading Failure and Success: Telling Someone About the Crush (Part I)

Why Speak Up

Tweet After last week’s post about how to tell someone you have a crush on them, I was met again and again with two major questions: Why not just ask them out? and Why tell them? The first I answered a while ago here. In a nutshell: dating isn’t something everyone enjoys doing. At least… Continue reading Why Speak Up