Now and Later: The Truth Behind the Myth of The One

This entry is part [part not set] of 3 in the series The One

Tweet The main problems with the idea of The One True Love of your life come from a watering down, glazing over and outright manipulation of the myths that once upon a time laid out a pretty sensible picture of love, life, relationships and romance (when there was any to be had). The Big Secret… Continue reading Now and Later: The Truth Behind the Myth of The One

Once Upon A Time: The Root of the Myth of The One

This entry is part [part not set] of 3 in the series The One

Tweet Once upon a time, before humans could crisscross the globe in a matter of hours and chat with one another instantaneously from anywhere on the planet, geography was a severe limitation. Where you were born was more or less where you’d grow up, reproduce, and die. Until the high days of seafaring exploration, someone… Continue reading Once Upon A Time: The Root of the Myth of The One