Death, Taxes, and Love

It is commonly accepted that there are two certainties in life: death and taxes.

While I greatly respect Mr. Franklin for the sentiment, I respectfully submit that there is one more certainty: Love.

Much like death, Love can be a very scary thing to talk about.

Much like taxes, the general population rules for Love can be daunting and difficult to understand.

Also like taxes, sometimes you have to put in more than you expect and sometimes you get back more.

For those who eschew the idea of Love being a Universal concept, I merely point you in the direction of the nearest pet or child. That feeling they project–mainly because they don’t know any better–is an unencumbered love.

So, even if we’ve long forgotten or fought against it, Love was (and probably still is) out there, waiting around the corner or over the hill.

Waiting for just the right mix of opportunity and willingness to spring back into our lives.

That said, hope everyone has filed what they need to!

By Kier Duros

Kier is the main force behind How to Crush Without Being Crushed and also maintains numerous other blogs. Check out his real hub at